My current research concentrates on a number of themes, each with a particular focus and network of collaborators:
- Digital Innovation
- IT Development and Management
- Health Informatics
- Action Research Methodology
1. Digital Innovation
Research Question: How can we innovate products, services and processes enabled by information technology?
Description: The research applies theories of innovation, technological change, value co-creation and strategy to study digital innovation in business contexts and society at large. Key parts of the research is based on close collaboration with partnering firms and other stakeholders involved in transforming contemporary business practices enabled by information technology.
Researchers: Elizabeth Davidson, Ola Henfridsson, Jonny Holmström, Katrin Jonsson, Per Leven, Rikard Lindgren, Lars Mathiassen, Vitali Mindel, Nannette Napier, Jeppe Nielsen, Sue Newell, Johan Sandberg, Fredrik Svahn, Ulrike Schultze, Carsten Sørensen, Heidi Tscherning, Brett Young.
Partners: GM, Cbeyond Communications, LKAB, Norrmejerier, Volvo, Danish Municipalities, London School of Economics, Umeå University, IT-University Gothenburg, Aalborg University, Warwick University, Deakin University.
Funding: Jointly funded by partners.
2. IT Development and Management
Research Question: How can we improve the way IT systems and resources are developed and managed?
Description: The research is driven by specific problems and experiences within the participating organizations. Responses are developed by combining approaches, concepts, and models from information systems and software engineering literature with insights from organization theory. Particular emphasis has been put on exploring insights from knowledge management, diffusion of technology innovations, organizational learning, and management of change in the particular context of IT and software organizations.
Researchers: Maria Alaranta, Anna Börjesson, Shahla Ghobadi, Tom Gregory, Nik Hassan, Jonny Holmström, Mark Keil, Pernille Kræmmergaard, Lars Mathiassen, Judith McKay, Sune Müller, Nannette Napier, Peter Axel Nielsen, John Persson, Lene Pries-Heje, Knut Rolland, Carol Saunders, Tuure Tuunanen, Henrik Wimelius, Bob Zmud.
Partners: Ericsson, Byers Engineering, Terma, Toshiba, Silverpop, Viborg Municipality, Aalto University, Aalborg University, Jyväskylä University, IT-University Gothenburg, Oslo School of Arts, Swinbourne University, Umeå University.
Funding: Jointly funded by partners.
3. Health Informatics
Research Question: How can we understand and support the adoption of IT-based services into healthcare organizations?
Description: The healthcare industry is information-intensive and under constant pressure to enhance services and reduce cost. However, the industry lags behind other industries in adoption of IT-services and development of IT-infrastructure. This research stream investigates this situation and develops responses.
Researchers: Aaron Baird, Sunyoung Cho, David Hess, Elena V. Khasanshina, Cindy Lerouge, Lars Mathiassen, Vitali Mindel, Karen Minyard, Abhay Mishra, Jeppe Nielsen, Rajendra Singh, Max Stachura, Jeff Switzer, Bengisu Tulu.
Partners: ReachMD Consult, Genentech, East Georgia Health Cooperative, South East Health District, Danish Municipalities, Swainsboro Hospital, Georgia Regents University, Georgia Health Policy Center.
Funding: Jointly funded by partners.
4. Action Research Methodology
Research Question: How can we understand and support action research to practice engaged scholarship?
Description: Action research has been adopted for several years to promote engaged scholarship and increase the relevance of information systems research. There are, however, still important challenges related to successfully negotiate a concern for practical problem-solving and an interest in publishing results in first-class journals. This research investigates different approaches to address this challenge.
Researchers: Anna Börjesson, Mike Chiasson, Matt Germonprez, Rikard Lindgren, Lars Mathiassen, Peter Axel Nielsen.
Partners: IT University Gothenburg, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Aalborg University, University of British Columbia.
Funding: Jointly funded by partners.